Create a Better Sustainable Lifestyle

Carbofil helps you to create a sustainable lifestyle by offering daily activities and helping you to find sustainable brands.

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Sustainable Brands from Carbofil App
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Activitiy mock (2)
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What Carbofil Offers

Carbofil is focused on helping you to live a more sustainable life. Here is how we do it:

  • Daily Activity Icon of Carbofil
    Daily Activities
    Simple activities to help you reduce your emission
  • Group 77 (1)
    Impact Measurement
    Each activity has an impact. See the impact we made together
  • Sustainable Brand Icon
    Sustainable Brands
    A directory to help you switch to sustainable products

Simple choices we make can reduce thousands of kilograms of CO2 emission

Join the Impact

Each one of us can make an impact but once we move together it will compound. 100 people using Carbofil reduces around 73000kg CO2 a year. That is equal to CO2 absorption of 3476 trees a year.

One bee can't build a hive, but many bees can!

  • Emoji icon 1f343.svg
    Activity a day
  • Emoji icon 1f33f.svg
  • Emoji icon 1f332.svg
    Reduced CO2 Emission a year*

Join Our Newsletter

We will send you daily recommendations of documentaries, podcasts, movies, and tips on sustainability.

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#beawareCO2 | Carbofil

beawareCO2 | Carbofil is a social-environmental initiative we started to raise awareness of the public on CO2 emission.

“All of our lives depends on this world and we have a responsibility to protect it!

Any Questions?

We are open to all kinds of questions. You can reach out to us even to discuss a topic on sustainability.

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